Quick installation

You can quickly test UpDoc!, storing all data in $HOME/updoc:

sudo apt-get install python3.5 python3.5-dev build-essential
pip install updoc
updoc-manage migrate  # create the database (SQLite by default)
updoc-manage collectstatic --noinput  # prepare static files (CSS, JS, …)
updoc-manage createsuperuser  # create an admin user

You can easily change the root location for all data (SQLite database, uploaded or temp files, static files, …) by editing the configuration file:

CONFIG_FILENAME=`updoc-manage  config ini -v 2 | head -n 1 | grep ".ini" | cut -d '"' -f 2`
# create required folders
mkdir -p `dirname $FILENAME` $HOME/updoc
# prepare a limited configuration file
cat << EOF > $FILENAME
data = $HOME/updoc

Of course, you must run again the migrate and collectstatic commands (or moving data to this new folder).

You can launch the server processes (the second process is required for background tasks):

updoc-celery worker -Q celery,slow

Then open in your favorite browser.

You should use virtualenv or install UpDoc! using the –user option.