Complete configuration

Configuration options

You can look current settings with the following command:

updoc-manage config ini -v 2

You can also display the actual list of Python settings

updoc-manage config python -v 2

Here is the complete list of settings:

allow_basic_auth = True
      # Set to "true" if you want to allow HTTP basic auth, using the Django database.
ldap_bind_dn =
      # Bind dn for LDAP authentication
ldap_bind_password =
      # Bind password for LDAP authentication
ldap_direct_bind =
      # Set it for a direct LDAP bind, like "uid=%(user)s,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"
ldap_filter = (uid=%(user)s)
      # Filter for LDAP authentication, like "(uid=%(user)s)".
ldap_search_base = ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
      # Search base for LDAP authentication, like "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com".
ldap_server_url =
      # URL of your LDAP server, like "ldap://". Python packages "pyldap" and "django-auth-ldap" must be installed.
ldap_start_tls = False
oauth2_providers =
      # Comma-separated OAuth2 providers, among "daum","hubic","digitalocean","draugiem","twitch","weixin","soundcloud","gitlab","fxa","twitter","weibo","naver","line","eveonline","angellist","vimeo","shopify","vk","google","dropbox","stackexchange","basecamp","stripe","linkedin","fivehundredpx","slack","orcid","spotify","odnoklassniki","douban","openid","bitbucket","xing","foursquare","facebook","tumblr","auth0","baidu","discord","twentythreeandme","reddit","feedly","instagram","edmodo","untappd","bitbucket_oauth2","robinhood","mailchimp","kakao","paypal","windowslive","github","bitly","mailru","asana","linkedin_oauth2","dropbox_oauth2","pinterest","evernote","coinbase","flickr","persona","amazon". "django-allauth" package must be installed.
remote_user_groups = Users
      # Comma-separated list of groups of new users, authenticated by a HTTP header.
remote_user_header =
      # Set it if you want to use HTTP authentication, a common value is "HTTP-REMOTE-USER".

db = 2
      # Database number of the Redis Cache DB.
      # Python package "django-redis" is required.
host = localhost
      # Redis Cache DB host
password =
      # Redis Cache DB password (if required)
port = 6379
      # Redis Cache DB port

db = 13
      # Database number of the Redis Celery DB
      # Celery is used for processing background tasks and websockets.
host = localhost
      # Redis Celery DB host
password =
      # Redis Celery DB password (if required)
port = 6379
      # Redis Celery DB port

db = updoc
      # Main database name (or path of the sqlite3 database)
engine = postgresql
      # Main database engine ("mysql", "postgresql", "sqlite3", "oracle", or the dotted name of the Django backend)
host = localhost
      # Main database host
password = 5trongp4ssw0rd
      # Main database password
port = 5432
      # Main database port
user = updoc
      # Main database user

hosts =
      # Comma-separated list of ElasticSearch servers.
      # ElasticSearch can be used to index all documents but remains optional.Example:,
index = updoc_index
      # Name of the ElasticSearch index

host = localhost
      # SMTP server
password =
      # SMTP password
port = 25
      # SMTP port (often 25, 465 or 587)
use_ssl = False
      # "true" if your SMTP uses SSL (often on port 465)
use_tls = False
      # "true" if your SMTP uses STARTTLS (often on port 587)
user =
      # SMTP user

admin_email =
      # e-mail address for receiving logged errors
data = $VIRTUALENV/var/updoc
      # where all data will be stored (static/uploaded/temporary files, …) If you change it, you must run the collectstatic and migrate commands again.
language_code = fr-fr
      # default to fr_FR
listen_address =
      # address used by your web server.
log_remote_url =
      # Send logs to a syslog or systemd log daemon.
      # Examples: syslog+tcp://localhost:514/user, syslog:///local7, syslog:///dev/log/daemon, logd:///project_name
public_bookmarks = True
public_docs = True
public_index = True
public_proxies = True
server_url =
      # Public URL of your website.
      # Default to "http://listen_address" but should be ifferent if you use a reverse proxy like Apache or Nginx. Example:
time_zone = Europe/Paris
      # default to Europe/Paris
use_apache = True
      # "true" if Apache is used as reverse-proxy and mod_xsendfile.
use_nginx = False
      # "true" is nginx is used as reverse-proxy and x-accel-redirect.

db = 3
      # Database number of the Redis sessions DB
      # Python package "django-redis-sessions" is required.
host = localhost
      # Redis sessions DB host
password =
      # Redis sessions DB password (if required)
port = 6379
      # Redis sessions DB port

db = 11
      # Database number of the Redis websocket DB
host = localhost
      # Redis websocket DB host
password =
      # Redis websocket DB password (if required)
port = 6379
      # Redis websocket DB port

If you need more complex settings, you can override default values (given in djangofloor.defaults and updoc.defaults) by creating a file named /updoc/

Optional components

Efficient page caching

You just need to install django-redis. Settings are automatically changed for using a local Redis server (of course, you can change it in your config file).

pip install django-redis

Faster session storage

You just need to install django-redis-sessions for storing sessions into user sessions in Redis instead of storing them in the main database. Redis is not designed to be backuped; if you loose your Redis server, sessions are lost and all users must login again. However, Redis is faster than your main database server and sessions take a huge place if they are not regularly cleaned. Settings are automatically changed for using a local Redis server (of course, you can change it in your config file).

pip install django-redis-sessions

Optimized media files

You can use Django-Pipeline to merge all media files (CSS and JS) for a faster site.

pip install django-pipeline

Optimized JavaScript files are currently deactivated due to syntax errors in generated files (not my fault ^^).


If something does not work as expected, you can look at logs (in /var/log/supervisor if you use supervisor) or try to run the server interactively:

sudo service supervisor stop
sudo -u updoc -i
workon updoc
updoc-manage config
updoc-manage runserver
updoc-celery worker -Q celery,slow


A complete UpDoc! installation is made a different kinds of files:

  • the code of your application and its dependencies (you should not have to backup them),
  • static files (as they are provided by the code, you can lost them),
  • configuration files (you can easily recreate it, or you must backup it),
  • database content (you must backup it),
  • user-created files (you must also backup them).

Many backup strategies exist, and you must choose one that fits your needs. We can only propose general-purpose strategies.

We use logrotate to backup the database, with a new file each day.

sudo mkdir -p /var/backups/updoc
sudo chown -r updoc: /var/backups/updoc
sudo -u updoc -i
cat << EOF > /etc/updoc/backup_db.conf
/var/backups/updoc/backup_db.sql.gz {
  rotate 20
  create 640 updoc updoc
  moneta-manage dumpdb | gzip > /var/backups/updoc/backup_db.sql.gz
touch /var/backups/updoc/backup_db.sql.gz
crontab -e
0 1 * * * updoc-manage clearsessions
0 2 * * * logrotate -f /etc/updoc/backup_db.conf

Backup of the user-created files can be done with rsync, with a full backup each month: If you have a lot of files to backup, beware of the available disk place!

sudo mkdir -p /var/backups/updoc/media
sudo chown -r updoc: /var/backups/updoc
cat << EOF > /etc/updoc/backup_media.conf
/var/backups/updoc/backup_media.tar.gz {
  rotate 6
  create 640 updoc updoc
  tar -C /var/backups/updoc/media/ -czf /var/backups/updoc/backup_media.tar.gz .
touch /var/backups/updoc/backup_media.tar.gz
crontab -e
0 3 * * * rsync -arltDE $VIRTUALENV/var/updoc/media/ /var/backups/updoc/media/
0 5 0 * * logrotate -f /etc/updoc/backup_media.conf

Restoring a backup

cat /var/backups/updoc/backup_db.sql.gz | gunzip | updoc-manage dbshell
tar -C $VIRTUALENV/var/updoc/media/ -xf /var/backups/updoc/backup_media.tar.gz

LDAP groups

There are two possibilities to use LDAP groups, with their own pros and cons:

  • on each request, use an extra LDAP connection to retrieve groups instead of looking in the SQL database,
  • regularly synchronize groups between the LDAP server and the SQL servers.

The second approach can be used without any modification in your code and remove a point of failure in the global architecture (if you can afford regular synchronizations instead of instant replication). At least one tool exists for such synchronization: MultiSync.